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This blog is for His Glory!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mundane Monday

You’ve spent the rest of your weekends a blast. You’ve eaten your most-wanted food; bathe with your favorite Jacuzzi – inspired bathroom; laugh out loud with jumping/clapping on the side with your friends; have some taco party with your family, did a bible studies with your discipleship group, and other stuff you missed doing. You wished weekends will never end... But, here comes Monday… ugghh,,, you’ve felt you never wanted to go back to the office and work.

Is the above picture sounds familiar? Haha… have you ever experienced such scenario in your life? Well, I am. I am hook with a blissful Saturday and Sunday getaways that sometimes, I forget to prepare and think for the following week. I am attached with the coziness and ease it brings, leading me not to plan ahead and be lazy – as in literally lazy at the office during Mondays. Well, I am not saying that it’s not good to enjoy every inch of your relaxing period, but, sometimes, it’s just that it has an effect with your Monday (that is why I tagged this post as Mundane Mondays).

So, what’s the purpose of this blog? Well, expert or not, I want to share some tips how I turn a Mundane Monday into a Merry Monday (hope this help).

1. Plan ahead. Even though you are enjoying the comfy and restful weekends, try to allot 10-15 minutes of your time drafting what you will do on Monday (please note, we are just talking on Mondays – you can plan the rest of the week on that day, if your Sat and Sun schedule won’t permit you to do so). By doing this, you’ll be able to know what you need to do first when the morning Monday arrives.

2. Condition your mind and body. You need to set your mental and physical clock for the next week as some of the weekend activities, although enjoying, are strenuous. With this, you need to sleep early and have your mind calmed and settled.

3. Pray and read Big Dad’s word. Nothing will ever make you feel relax and unwind except the peace that comes from Him. Before you end the weekends, utter a prayer and read God’s word. Same goes when you wake up on an early Monday morning. Ask His guidance and strength to help you carry on the day. For sure, He’ll never let you walk with your Monday stuff alone.

Tadah! There you go.

Don’t forget to smile. =)

“I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.” Psalm 3:5 NIV

1 comment:

jarg said...

great advice! :) ... I just wish i could sleep more on Mondays! wahhh...:)